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Fussy kids react hilariously to new foods in Gourmet Society video

Author Damien Wilde
Posted On 17th August 2016

fussy kids funny video

Picky kids can be an absolute nightmare, but is that sometimes down to never actually giving them the opportunity to try foods? Deciding on what they will like before they’ve even had the chance to taste something for themselves.

Well the Gourmet Society has set out to see if that is the case or not with a video campaign titled ‘Food Explorers’.

The video showcases a group of Primary school aged children tasting a series of dishes, fruits and vegetables with hilarious results…

Athelstan Community Primary school was the setting for the children, who tried a series of some of the trendiest health foods all on camera for our amusement.

Taking a similar form to the popular ‘React’ videos as seen and made famous by the Fine Brothers YouTube channel, the children were given a range of health foods for the very first time whilst being filmed.

Traditional sushi was washed down with a Kale smoothie, with avocado on toast and passion fruit also cautiously nibbled at by the Yorkshire schoolchildren.

As you can imagine, the reactions ranged from outright disgust, with one girl asking: ‘Do you seriously think I’m going to eat that?’

Stuck out tongues and other exclamations of disgust were uttered by the young group, but not everything went down as others. With sushi proving a hit with many of the young group.

The video was made by the Gourmet Society after they released results of a poll showing that more than a third of parents have to make multiple meals every night to cater for their fussy children.

Avocado was a surprise hit with the kids, with the fruit actually topping the list of the 10 most disliked by children. A survey of 1200 children found that 38 per cent couldn’t stomach the food.

The 10 foods children dislike the most

  1. Avocado (38 per cent)
  2. Aubergine (37 per cent)
  3. Mushrooms (36 per cent)
  4. Sprouts (35 per cent)
  5. Olives (34 per cent)
  6. Courgette (34 per cent)
  7. Onions (33 per cent)
  8. Quinoa (32 per cent)
  9. Celery (32 per cent)
  10. Cabbage (31 per cent)

The poll also found that 84 per cent outright refused to try new food regardless of what it happened to be.

At least we now have evidence that almost all children are picky eaters! It’s not just your kids!

If you are wondering how to cater for your young diners, then we came up with a handy guide to help you cater for families with young children.
